破晓tv关于只是朋友第01集的相关介绍,只是朋友第01集是由提查孔·普考同导演的影视剧或电影,该影片属于泰国类影视,主演有塔纳瓦·拉达纳奇派山,卡纳潘·佩泽坤,柴·尼姆塔瓦特,卡斯德特·普洛克坡尔,吉拉查彭·斯里桑,帕金·坤纳阿努威,瓦查拉·苏克丘姆,吉拉提·彭马尼,巴蒂迪·佩奇苏特该片在2023年上映,只是朋友第01集上映的时候已经非常火爆,在观看只是朋友第01集的时候请理性观影。  Mew, Ray, and Boston—a group of business students running a hostel together—blur the lines between friendship and romance.  三位合伙经营旅社的商科学生Mew、Ray和Boston,模糊了友谊和爱情之间的界限。  Mew has been focusing on his studies, setting aside no time for sex and relationships. Upon learning of his friend's innocence, Boston introduces Mew to Top. What Boston intended to be a one-night affair turns into something more and he isn't happy with the turn of events. Economics student Saen wants an exclusive relationship with Ray, but Ray has feelings for Mew and he's not interested in settling. IT guy Nick f破晓tv提供<<只是朋友第01集>>免费在线播放和在线观影,更多泰国泰国请收藏和长期关注本站。

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